Sunday, September 28, 2008

Putin rears his head over Alaskan airspace

"As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border."
Sarah Palin to Katie Couric on CBS News.

From Daily Kos

Friday, September 26, 2008

McCain in his own words on his economic knowledge

McCain: "I Am Not An Expert On Wall Street." During a town hall meeting in Concord, New Hampshire, John McCain said, "Now, I am not an expert on Wall Street. I am not an expert on some of this stuff." I have studied carefully this latest proposal by the Secretary of the Treasury, and all I can tell you is, one, I am glad he is there. Everybody thinks that Hank Paulson, the Secretary of Treasury is respected in world markets." [McCain Town Hall Meeting in Concord, New Hampshire, 12/17/07]

McCain: "I Don't Pretend To Be An Expert On" The Stock Market. During a Republican debate in 2000, McCain was asked if the stock market was in a bubble. He said, "Oh. I'm afraid that it's becoming that, but I don't pretend to be an expert on that. I am very concerned about this rapid rise. I think all of us who observe it are, but I do have enormous faith and confidence in Mr. Greenspan, and I would heed any warnings that come out of his mouth, and I will pay close attention." [Fox News, Republican Debate, 12/2/99]

McCain: "I Don't Claim To Be Smart Enough" To Solve The Housing Crisis. The magazine American Banker reported, "Sen. McCain has offered occasional comments on the [housing] crisis, including hinting for a broader government role in combating it. In advance of the New Hampshire primary in early January, he repeatedly voiced concern for borrowers facing foreclosure, and suggested increased government intervention may be needed if Treasury's plans fall short. 'Obviously, the worse it gets, the more there is a role for government,' he told one local newspaper. 'But I can't come down yet and give ... a specific solution, because I don't claim to be smart enough.'" [American Banker, 3/11/08]

McCain On Bernanke: "I Don't Have The Kind Of Expertise To Know Exactly Whether He Has Cut Interest Rates Sufficiently." During an MSNBC Republican Debate in Michigan, Maria Bartiromo asked, "Senator McCain, has Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke cut interest rates aggressively enough? Has Ben Bernanke cut rates aggressively enough?" McCain answered, "I don't have the kind of expertise to know exactly whether he has cut interest rates sufficiently or not. And that's why we put that responsibility in the hands of the head of the Federal Reserve. I do know that this nation has faced some pretty good blows in the last month or so with the credit crunch and the subprime lending. I'm glad whenever they cut interest rates. I wish interest rates were zero. But we leave those responsibilities to the smartest people we can find, and I think that so far he's done a good job." [MSNBC, Republican Debate in Michigan, 10/9/07]

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

John McCain's Keating Five Problem In 97 Seconds

All you need to know about McCain and the Keating 5:

Thanks to the Huffington Post

Prophetic Ad?

The GoggleWorks refused to show the film Third Term in Reading, PA, cancelling tonight's scheduled showing because it is "too political." To make sure that angry people didn't show up at the theater tonight, they paid for this ad in today's Reading Eagle.

We think the ad is prophetic.
We think their actions are pathetic.

Monday, September 22, 2008

GoggleWorks Cancels Showing of Third Term

This afternoon the GoggleWorks called Keystone Progress and informed us that they were not allowing us to show Third Term this Wednesday. Keystone Progress had done a lot of work to prepare for this event, which was to be the first showing in Pennsylvania. The spokesperson for the GoggleWorks said that they thought the movie was too political.

Keystone Progress has clearly represented the content and the purpose of the film since we first contacted the GoggleWorks about renting the theater for the showing. They had viewed the trailer and had all of the written materials that went out to the public (see original email below). Their representatives never expressed any concerns about the content in any of our discussions, until today’s call when they cancelled the showing.

Make no mistake – the GoggleWorks wasn’t “donating” the space, we were paying them for it. The GoggleWorks decided to stifle our point of view, even though this is a community-funded organization created to support the arts. Are they going to start dictating to artists what subjects are acceptable to paint or sculpt?

We’re simply and utterly disappointed by the management of the GoggleWorks, for cowing to whoever is urging them to play it “safe.” In this election season, we need the truth, and we need it now.

Keystone Progress will not be seeking a new venue for the premiere. Instead, we will be working with the producers to distribute it free to anyone who wants to see the truth about what John McCain’s right-wing policies will mean for America.

Please check this space on Thursday for more details about how you can obtain your own copy of Third Term.

Michael Morrill, Executive Director
Keystone Progress

Sunday, September 21, 2008

ACORN Demands Moratorium on Forclosures in Harrisburg

September 18, 2008

There are an expected 45,470 subprime foreclosures between the third quarter 2007 and the end of 2009.[i] Over this same period of time, the subprime mortgage-related foreclosures will cost Pennsylvania $2.42 billion.[ii] The impacts of this devastating crisis are being felt not only by the families themselves, but also by neighborhoods, cities and our economy as a whole as the number of vacant properties is growing, the property values of nearby properties are declining, and cities face a loss in property taxes. Many of these foreclosures are the direct result of predatory lending - cases where brokers and/or lenders convinced borrowers to take out a risky, soon to be unaffordable, loans.
The economic and social costs of this crisis to our state are serious enough to warrant emergency action to stem the tide of foreclosures. Many foreclosures are preventable, particularly in the current climate in which mortgage servicers are being pressured by elected officials, from the federal government on down, to make loan modifications in order to achieve affordable mortgages for borrowers. Additionally, when a qualified housing counselor negotiates on behalf of a borrower, a better resolution is often achieved. However, these loan “workouts” take time, as they require a case-by-case review of a borrower's financial situation. And time is something that, by all accounts, neither the mortgage servicers or the housing counselors have enough of, given the huge number of borrowers going into default and foreclosure.

Therefore, It is in Pennsylvania’s interest to “stop the clock” for a period of time to allow families to get back on their feet financially and to encourage negotiated settlements – loan workouts - that move people into more affordable loans and thereby reduce the number of foreclosures. Reform proposals being advanced nationally are necessary, but not sufficient. The depth of the crisis and the costs to the state argue for a moratorium as the only sure way to put a brake on the hemorrhaging and buy parties the needed time to work out viable alternatives to foreclosures.
ACORN is calling on policy makers to follow the lead of New York, Minnesota, & others and implement a moratorium on foreclosures involving subprime mortgages that were recklessly and inappropriately underwritten and call for the lenders to make new affordable loans to these customers.

● This would include Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) for which the borrower was qualified using the starting interest rate and ARMs which were made to borrowers on fixed incomes. In both these types of cases, the lenders should convert the adjustable rates to a fixed rate loan at the starting interest rate.

● It would also include so-called stated income loans which were unaffordable from the beginning of the loan. In these cases, the lenders should reduce the interest and/or balance of the loan in order to make it affordable based on the borrower’s real income.
Several reform proposals in the PA general assembly are a good start: including McGeehan’s HB 2694, to create a statewide diversion program based on the successful Philadelphia Diversion program, and John Taylors HB that follows the lead of Minnesota’s model legislation. For more information on the specifics of the legislation, please contact PA ACORN Legislative Director Ian Phillips 35 406 4386.
[i] Mortgage Bankers Association, Joint Economic Committee of Congress, October 25th Subprime Lending Crisis Report
[ii] Ibid

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Third Term Film PA Premiere in Reading

Pennsylvania Premiere, sponsored by Keystone Progress
Goggle Works
201 Washington St., Reading
Wednesday, September 24, 8:30 PM

To counter the millions conservatives will invest in books, ads and movies this year to vilify progressive leaders and policies, Media Matters Action Network and Center for American Progress Action Fund, through their joint project Progressive Accountability, bring you Third Term - a documentary detailing what Senator John McCain's right-wing policies would mean for America.This feature-length documentary, narrated by Paul Begala, examines how on every major issue this year, from the war in Iraq, to the economy, to health care, to our energy crisis, Senator McCain has been on the wrong side, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with President George W. Bush.

Using footage of his own words, interviews and expert analysis, Third Term exposes McCain's radical policy agenda.Third Term features interviews with experts like: Rand Beers of the National Security Network; Ellen Malcolm of Emily's List; Paul Waldman of the Media Matters Action Network; Larry Korb of the Center for America Progress Action Fund; Thea Lee of the AFL-CIO; Ezra Klein of the American Prospect; and Steve Clemons of the New America Foundation. The documentary has been scored by Grammy-award winning producer/composer Art Hodge.

THIRD TERM: How John McCain promises to continue George Bush's failed policiesNarrated by Paul BegalaScored by Art Hodge72 minutes

Michael Morrill,

The Keating Five and John McCain: Poor Judgment, Uncontrolled Rage, Indecision, and Wimpy Behavior

The Savings and Loan Scandal of the late 1980’s resulted in the failure of 747 savings and loan associations, costing over $160 billion. The federal government ended up bailing out the saving and loan associations to the tune of $120 billion (Over $1.3 billion went to Neil Bush’s S&L, George W.’s brother). Most economists believe that the crisis led to the recession of 1990-91.
Five US Senators were involved in an influence-peddling scandal, improperly trying to steer regulators away from Charles Keating’s troubled Lincoln Savings and Loan. John McCain was one of the Keating Five.

McCain’s involvement is vitally important as our nation struggles with the current financial crisis because it testifies to his lack of judgment and his inability to make decisions in a time of crisis. The US Senate investigation that followed the scandal cited McCain’s “poor judgment.” McCain agreed with that assessment.

What was his poor judgment?
· Meeting with regulators with the clear intention of steering them away from investigating Keating.
· Accepting $112,000 in political contributions from Keating and associates.
· Getting into business with Keating. Cindy and her father invested $359,100 in a shopping center scheme with Keating.
· Taking nine trips, including 3 to the Bahamas, on Keating’s dime. McCain brought his family and babysitter on these trips.

The Arizona Republic ran a series on its home state senior senator in March of 2007. The following are excerpts from the portion of the series on McCain’s involvement in the Keating Five scandal.

The whole story can be read here:

· "McCain's a wimp," Keating replied, according to the book Trust Me, by Michael Binstein and Charles Bowden. "We'll go talk to him." Keating had other business on Capitol Hill and did not reach McCain's office until 1:30. A DeConcini staffer already had told McCain about the "wimp" insult. When he arrived, Keating presented McCain with a laundry list of demands for the regulators.

· In an interview with The Republic, Black said the meeting was a show of force by Keating, who wanted the senators to pressure the regulators into dropping their case against Lincoln. The thrift was in trouble for violating "direct investment" rules, which prohibited S&Ls from taking large ownership positions in various ventures. "The Senate is a really small club, like the cliche goes," Black said. "And you really did have one-twentieth of the Senate in one room, called by one guy, who was the biggest crook in the S&L debacle." Black said the senators could have accomplished their goal "if they had simply had us show up and see this incredible room and said, 'Hi. Charles Keating asked us to meet with you. 'Bye.'"McCain previously had refused DeConcini's request to meet with the Lincoln auditors themselves. In Worth the Fighting For, McCain wrote that he remained "a little troubled" at the prospect, "but since the chairman of the bank board didn't seem to have a problem with the idea, maybe a discussion with the regulators wouldn't be as problematic as I had earlier thought."McCain concedes that he failed to sense that Gray and the thrift examiners felt threatened by the senators' meddling.

· According to nearly verbatim notes taken by Black, McCain started the second meeting with a careful comment. "One of our jobs as elected officials is to help constituents in a proper fashion," McCain said. "ACC (American Continental Corp.) is a big employer and important to the local economy. I wouldn't want any special favors for them. . . . "I don't want any part of our conversation to be improper." Black said the comment had the opposite effect for the regulators. It made them nervous about what might really be going on. "McCain was the weirdest," Black said. "They were all different in their own way. McCain was always Hamlet . . . wringing his hands about what to do."

· As the investigation dragged through 1988, McCain dodged the hardest blows. Most landed on DeConcini, who had arranged the meetings and had other close ties to Keating, including $50 million in loans from Keating to DeConcini's aides. But McCain made a critical error. He had adopted the blanket defense that Keating was a constituent and that he had every right to ask his senators for help. In attending the meetings, McCain said, he simply wanted to make sure that Keating was treated like any other constituent. Keating was no ordinary constituent to McCain. On Oct. 8, 1989, The Arizona Republic revealed that McCain's wife and her father had invested $359,100 in a Keating shopping center in April 1986, a year before McCain met with the regulators. The paper also reported that the McCains, sometimes accompanied by their daughter and baby-sitter, had made at least nine trips at Keating's expense, sometimes aboard the American Continental jet. Three of the trips were made during vacations to Keating's opulent Bahamas retreat at Cat Cay. McCain also did not pay Keating for some of the trips until years after they were taken, after he learned that Keating was in trouble over Lincoln. Total cost: $13,433. When the story broke, McCain did nothing to help himself. "You're a liar," McCain said when a Republic reporter asked him about the business relationship between his wife and Keating. "That's the spouse's involvement, you idiot," McCain said later in the same conversation. "You do understand English, don't you?" He also belittled reporters when they asked about his wife's ties to Keating. "It's up to you to find that out, kids." The paper ran the story. In his 2002 book, McCain confesses to "ridiculously immature behavior" during that particular interview and adds that The Republic reporters' "persistence in questioning me about the matter provoked me to rage."

· In the book, DeConcini reiterates his allegation that McCain leaked to the media "sensitive information" about certain closed proceedings in order to hurt DeConcini, Riegle and Cranston. It's a fairly serious charge. The Boston Globe revisited the Keating Five leaks in 2000. The story paraphrased a congressional investigator, Clark B. Hall, as personally concluding that "McCain was one of the principal leakers." The newspaper also reported that McCain, under oath, had denied involvement with the leaks.McCain owns up to his mistake this way: "I was judged eventually, after three years, of using, quote, poor judgment, and I agree with that assessment."

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

ACORN Members call on McCain to Back Fannie/Freddie Foreclosure Freeze

Philadelphia ACORN members confront McCain Campaign in Philadelphia on September 16, 2008.

ACORN Members call on McCain to Back Fannie/Freddie Foreclosure Freeze

Philadelphia –About 2 dozen ACORN members gathered to call on Presidential candidate Senator John McCain to join his colleagues in calling for a freeze on foreclosures of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac portfolios which were recently placed into conservatorship by the federal government. Recently, Senators Charles Schumer, Sherrod Brown, Bob Menendez, and Bob Casey called on the Federal Housing Finance Agency and the two Government Sponsored Enterprises to institute a 90 day moratorium on foreclosures of loans owned by the mortgage giants. “We think it’s long overdue that the McCain campaign actually get serious about what they’re going to do to help hard working American families.” Said ACORN member Christina Jones, who is struggling with an adjustable rate mortgage.
ACORN is also demanding that all delinquent loans owned by Fannie and Freddie be pulled from their securities and modified to a fixed rate interest and a monthly payment that is affordable to the homeowner, and will call upon Senators McCain and Obama to join in this demand to ensure that American homeowners will share in the benefits of the recently announced federal takeover. ACORN leader Junette Marcano said, “It’s tough for me to understand how John McCain can own 7 luxury homes, but doesn’t think it’s important to help working families save their homes.”
The rally was part of ACORN’s statewide “Stop Foreclosure” campaign; most recently, ACORN members won a new program, the Philadelphia Sheriff Sale Diversion Program, that has saved 100s of homes in the past three months. In addition to this event, activists from across the state will travel to Harrisburg for a statewide “Stop Foreclosure Day of Action” on Thursday September 18th. During the day of action, activists will attend a hearing in support of McGeehan’s bill to replicate the Philadelphia diversion program statewide and protest the Republicans planned use of the foreclosure filings to suppress the November vote.

ACORN is the nation's largest community organization of low- and moderate-income families with over 400,000 member-families organized into 1200 neighborhood chapters in 103 cities nationwide. Since 1970, ACORN has taken action and won victories on issues of concern to our members, including better housing for first-time homebuyers and tenants; living wages for low-wage workers; more investment in our communities from banks and governments, and better public schools.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund endorses Obama-Biden

WASHINGTON – Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund today endorsed Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.) for President and Vice President of the United States. Below is a statement from the organization's president, Rodger Schlickeisen.
"John McCain's choice of Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate confirmed that the only candidates we can truly count on to protect our air, land and water are Senators Obama and Biden, and we are proud to today offer our endorsement of the Obama-Biden ticket," said Schlickeisen.

More at:

This Week's Progressive PA Job Openings

This Week’s Progressive Job Openings at
View these and more at our website. If you have progressive PA job openings, send us the job description at A free service of Keystone Progress.

Community Organizer, Eastern Pennsylvania Organizing Project, Philadelphia (Posted September 12)
The Eastern Pennsylvania Organizing Project (EPOP) is seeking qualified candidates to consider a career as a community organizer working in Philadelphia. EPOP is a faith based community organization dedicated to developing leaders and building power to ensure justice for all people.

Design Associate, U.S. PIRG, Philadelphia (Posted September 12)
Serve as the primary creative point person on communications for six to eight of our partner groups, working with the staff of these organizations to recruit new members, build deeper affinity, raise funds and spur thousands more people to action.

Executive Director, Accion Comunal Latinoamericana de Montgomery County, Norristown (Posted September 12)
Now actively recruiting an Executive Director, ACLAMO seeks a dynamic, entrepreneurial and mission-oriented individual to provide leadership for a Latino community service agency experiencing significant growth and change in its 32nd year.

Internal Organizer, SEIU Healthcare PA, Pittsburgh (Posted September 10)
With the establishment of a centralized grievance handling system through a Member Resource Center, we currently need dynamic organizers in the field to mobilize our existing membership.

Internal Organizer, SEIU Healthcare PA, Central PA (Posted September 10)
With the establishment of a centralized grievance handling system through a Member Resource Center, we currently need dynamic organizers in the field to mobilize our existing membership.

Internal Organizer, SEIU Healthcare PA, Scranton/Wilkes-Barre (Posted September 10)
With the establishment of a centralized grievance handling system through a Member Resource Center, we currently need dynamic organizers in the field to mobilize our existing membership.

Executive Director, PA Health Law Project, Philadelphia (Posted September 8)
The Pennsylvania Health Law Project (PHLP) seeks a motivated attorney with a minimum of five years professional experience working with a non-profit legal services, health or related organization.

Lead Organizer, Doctor's Council SEIU, Pennsylvania (Posted September 8)
Doctors Council SEIU seeks a dynamic, talented individual to serve as Lead Organizer.
The Lead Organizer will coordinate on aspects of the organizing program, developing and implementing major external organizing

Canvassers, Greenpeace, Philadelphia (Posted September 7)
Work for Greenpeace to stop global warming and protect ancient forests!

Organizers, United Food and Commercial Workers (Posted September 6)
We are hiring activists with various levels of experience. A demonstrated commitment to social justice work is required.

Campaign Positions, Work for Progress, Scranton (Posted September 6)
Work for Progress is hiring for paid campaign positions with Progressive Future and Environment America to lead the effort to register, educate, persuade, and mobilize voters in targeted communities between now and Election Day in swing states across the country.

Director of Operations, Allegheny Reproductive Health Center, Pittsburgh (Posted September 6)
This position is ideal for a compassionate, senior-level administrator dedicated to providing quality women’s reproductive health care in a warm, supportive atmosphere while reducing the stigma associated with abortion.

Campaign Positions, Work for Progress, Pittsburgh (Posted September 6)
Work for Progress is hiring for paid campaign positions with Environment America to lead the effort to register, educate, persuade, and mobilize voters in targeted communities between now and Election Day in swing states across the country.

Campaign Positions, Work for Progress, Erie (Posted September 6)
Work for Progress is hiring for paid campaign positions with Environment America to lead the effort to register, educate, persuade, and mobilize voters in targeted communities between now and Election Day in swing states across the country.

Director of Finance, PA Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Harrisburg (Posted September 6)
The PA Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV) is currently seeking a seasoned accountant with excellent management/supervisory skills to oversee the day-to-day operations and overall management and supervision of the finance department.

Project Coordinator, Clean Air Council, Philadelphia (Posted September 6)
Looking for engineering law or other graduate student to work on program reducing pollution at ports.

Executive Director, Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative, Philadelphia (Posted September 6)
The Executive Director is the chief officer of the organization and is responsible for conducting its operations in an efficient and effective manner, in accordance with procedures set by the Board of Directors. Responsible for providing leadership to the organization’s harm reduction focused, peer-based public health programming efforts serving lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.

Volunteer Coordinator, Voter Protection Program, Committee of Seventy, Philadelphia (Posted September 6)

Planned Parenthood Action Fund: McCain will say anything to get elected

Asks McCain Campaign to Pull Down Misleading Attack Ad

The Planned Parenthood Action Fund calls on the McCain-Palin campaign to immediately pull down their dishonest ad attacking Senator Barack Obama for supporting a bill intended to help protect children from sexual predators. The ad is doubly misleading because it misrepresents the substance of the bill. In 2003, Planned Parenthood worked with Illinois state legislators to introduce the bill highlighted in Senator McCain's negative ad. The Planned Parenthood Action Fund also released it's own ad in response to the McCain campaign's false and dishonest attack ad against Sen. Obama. The ad, called "Another Politician," sets the record straight on Obama's support for a bill intended to help children recognize inappropriate touching and highlights John McCain's propensity to play loose with the facts.

"John McCain's latest ad is yet another example that he will say anything to get elected," said Planned Parenthood Action Fund President Cecile Richards. "In ad after ad, he's made false statements and twisted the facts. In this case, he is dishonestly attacking Senator Obama and distorting a bill that Planned Parenthood helped introduce in the Illinois State Legislature and which was intended to protect children.

In January 2008, Mitt Romney echoed a similar sentiment, telling FOX News, "I think Senator McCain is willing to say anything to try and get elected. He's been looking for this job for a long, long time."

Illinois State SB 99, the bill that the McCain campaign highlights in their negative ad, states "Course material and instruction shall teach pupils to not make unwanted physical and verbal sexual advances and how to say no to unwanted sexual advances and shall include information about verbal, physical, and visual sexual harassment, including without limitation nonconsensual sexual advances, nonconsensual physical sexual contact, and rape by an acquaintance." Planned Parenthood along with other health care advocacy and education groups, including the Illinois Parent Teacher Association, the Illinois State Medical Society, and the Illinois Public Health Association, supported the bill that would have taught kindergartners how to recognize inappropriate touching and how to defend against sexual predators.

Yesterday, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund sent a letter to McCain-Palin campaign manager Steve Schmidt, asking that the dishonest ad immediately be taken off the air.
"We are asking the McCain campaign to take down their attack ad because it is patently false and dishonest. The American public deserve better," said Richards. "Until the McCain campaign pulls its ad, Planned Parenthood will run its ad to set the record straight." CQ reports that the McCain campaign "did not respond to questions about the ad, including whether McCain thinks it is bad for young children to learn in school about how to avoid predators." Planned Parenthood's ad will air in the markets where the McCain campaign's dishonest ad is airing, currently in the Pittsburgh and Denver markets.

Several analyses and fact checks of the McCain campaign's attack ad have criticized the ad, finding that it is a "factual failure" and "seriously distort(s) the record."

The New York Times: McCain's ad "distorts" Obama's record: The New York Times reports that McCain's ad "severely distorts" Obama's record and is "recycling old and discredited arguments." The Times goes on to report that "The advertisement, then, also misrepresents what the bill meant by "comprehensive." The instruction the bill required was comprehensive in that it called for a curriculum that went from kindergarten and through high school, not in the sense that kindergarteners would have been fully exposed to the entire gamut of sex-related issues." [The New York Times, 9/11/08]

The Washington Post: The McCain ad "fails test": The Washington Post examined the "education" ad created by McCain and said that political ads "should not misrepresent the record of the other side and should clearly distinguish quotes from non-partisan news sources from standard political rhetoric. The McCain 'education' ad fails this test." [The Washington Post, 9/11/08] McCain ad is a "Factual Failure": writes, "A McCain-Palin campaign ad claims Obama's 'one accomplishment' in the area of education was 'legislation to teach "comprehensive sex education" to kindergarteners.' But the claim is simply false, and it dates back to Alan Keyes' failed race against Obama for an open Senate seat in 2004. Obama, contrary to the ad's insinuation, does not support explicit sex education for kindergarteners. And the bill, which would have allowed only 'age appropriate' material and a no-questions-asked opt-out policy for parents, was not his accomplishment to claim in any case, since he was not even a cosponsor – and the bill never left the state Senate." [; 9/10/08]

Congressional Quartely: McCain makes "dubious" claims about Obama's character. CQ writes, "McCain appears to be banking on the assumption that he has enough credibility with voters that he can maintain their faith in his character even if he makes dubious claims about Obama's…. [T]he underlying suggestion of 'Education' -- that Obama favors teaching 5-year-olds the kind of sex ed taught to high school students -- is a significant stretch." [CQ, 9/11/08]

"Another Politician" Ad
Planned Parenthood Action Fund letter to McCain-Palin campaign:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Libertarians: Obama, McCain Fail to Qualify for Texas Ballot

Obama, McCain Fail to Qualify for Texas Ballot
Barr Met Deadline, Demands Law Be Enforced

The Bob Barr presidential campaign has stated "serious legal consequences" will occur should Senators Barack Obama and John McCain be allowed on the Texas general election ballot after they knowingly missed the state's deadline to file.

According to documents obtained by the Barr campaign, neither John McCain nor Barack Obama complied with Texas Election Code § 192.031, which requires that filings must be submitted “before 5 p.m. of the 70th day before presidential Election Day," listing the "names of the party's nominees for president and vice-president."

"The Election Code of the State of Texas imposes requirements on a political party, which must be met if its candidates for president and vice-presidents are to appear on the general election ballot," Russell Verney, Bob Barr's campaign manager stated in a letter sent to the Texas Secretary of State's office. "The Democratic Party and Mr. Obama, and the Republican Party and Mr. McCain, blatantly ignored the Texas statutory deadline."

More at:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pennsylvania Community Organizers Discuss What They Do and Why They Do It

Pennsylvania Community Organizers discuss what they do and why they do it.

Community Organizers Rebuffed by McCain Campaign in Lancaster, PA

Community organizers attempted to deliver petitions to John McCain in Lancaster, PA on September 9, 2008. The petitions asked McCain and Palin to apologize for their insults to community organizers.

Sign the petition at:

Michigan Republicans: Lose Your house, Lose Your Vote

Lose your house, lose your vote
By Eartha Jane Melzer 9/10/08 6:42 AM
Michigan Republicans plan to foreclose African American voters
The chairman of the Republican Party in Macomb County Michigan, a key swing county in a key swing state, is planning to use a list of foreclosed homes to block people from voting in the upcoming election as part of the state GOP’s effort to challenge some voters on Election Day.

ACORN Voter Registration Drive a huge success in PA

John Moore, Jr., Pennsylvania Political Committee Chair of ACORN discusses his organization's highly successful voter registration drive.

Keystone Progress to host new film, "Third Term"

Keystone Progress to Host New Film:

To counter the millions conservatives will invest in books, ads and movies this year to vilify progressive leaders and policies, Media Matters Action Network and Center for American Progress Action Fund, through their joint project Progressive Accountability, bring you Third Term - a documentary detailing what Senator John McCain's right-wing policies would mean for America.

This feature-length documentary, narrated by Paul Begala, examines how on every major issue this year, from the war in Iraq, to the economy, to health care, to our energy crisis, Senator McCain has been on the wrong side, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with President George W. Bush. Using footage of his own words, interviews and expert analysis, Third Term exposes McCain's radical policy agenda.

Third Term features interviews with experts like: Rand Beers of the National Security Network; Ellen Malcolm of Emily's List; Paul Waldman of the Media Matters Action Network; Larry Korb of the Center for America Progress Action Fund; Thea Lee of the AFL-CIO; Ezra Klein of the American Prospect; and Steve Clemons of the New America Foundation. The documentary has been scored by Grammy-award winning producer/composer Art Hodge.

Keystone Progress will be hosting the Pennsylvania openings later this month. Screenings are tentatively planned for Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Reading. If your organization would like to host a screening in Pennsylvania, let us know. Send an email to

Saturday, September 6, 2008

New Progressive Job Postings at Keystone Progress
Organizers, United Food and Commercial Workers (Posted September 6)
We are hiring activists with various levels of experience. A demonstrated commitment to social justice work is required.

Campaign Positions, Work for Progress, Scranton (Posted September 6)
Work for Progress is hiring for paid campaign positions with Progressive Future and Environment America to lead the effort to register, educate, persuade, and mobilize voters in targeted communities between now and Election Day in swing states across the country.

Director of Operations, Allegheny Reproductive Health Center, Pittsburgh (Posted September 6)
This position is ideal for a compassionate, senior-level administrator dedicated to providing quality women’s reproductive health care in a warm, supportive atmosphere while reducing the stigma associated with abortion.

Campaign Positions, Work for Progress, Pittsburgh (Posted September 6)
Work for Progress is hiring for paid campaign positions with Environment America to lead the effort to register, educate, persuade, and mobilize voters in targeted communities between now and Election Day in swing states across the country.

Campaign Positions, Work for Progress, Erie (Posted September 6)
Work for Progress is hiring for paid campaign positions with Environment America to lead the effort to register, educate, persuade, and mobilize voters in targeted communities between now and Election Day in swing states across the country.

Director of Finance, PA Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Harrisburg (Posted September 6)
The PA Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV) is currently seeking a seasoned accountant with excellent management/supervisory skills to oversee the day-to-day operations and overall management and supervision of the finance department.

Project Coordinator, Clean Air Council, Philadelphia (Posted September 6)
Looking for engineering law or other graduate student to work on program reducing pollution at ports.

Executive Director, Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative, Philadelphia (Posted September 6)
The Executive Director is the chief officer of the organization and is responsible for conducting its operations in an efficient and effective manner, in accordance with procedures set by the Board of Directors. Responsible for providing leadership to the organization’s harm reduction focused, peer-based public health programming efforts serving lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.

Volunteer Coordinator, Voter Protection Program, Committee of Seventy, Philadelphia (Posted September 6)

Associate General Secretary for Inclusion, American Friends Service Committee, Philadelphia (September 4)
The AGS for Inclusion will provide leadership for achieving and sustaining diversity as an indispensable element of AFSC’S program and administrative excellence. The AGS/Inclusion will hold responsibility for ensuring steady, broad engagement in the organization’s effort. Reporting to the General Secretary and working closely with the Human Resources Dept., s/he will take initiative in developing programs and procedures and securing resources to enable the recruitment and retention of a diverse staff.

Campaign Coordinator, Clean Water Action, Harrisburg (Posted September 4)
Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund are seeking an experienced Campaign Coordinator to work in our Harrisburg office on health related environmental issue campaigns.

Organizers, Clean Water Action, Allentown (Posted September 4)
The FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY IS IN YOUR HANDS. We could win or lose this election. At a time when NEW CHOICES for America are critical, we need a President who believes the ENVIRONMENT IS AN ISSUE we all have a stake in.

Outreach Coordinator- PennFuture, Pittsburgh (Posted September 4)
Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future (PennFuture) seeks to add an outreach coordinator to its staff in its Pittsburgh office.

To add a job listing, send an email to

Download Michael Moore's New Film-Free!

"Slacker uprising" is available free on Septembeer 23. Sign up now at

Thursday, September 4, 2008

We are community organizers

We were appalled last night as we listened to speaker after speaker at the Republican Convention demean the fine work of community organizers. It was insulting to the people, young and old, who work to better our nation, starting in their own backyard.

We are proud to be community organizers and we are proud that a community organizer might be our next president. We honor the work of community organizers, and we urge you to join us in honoring them.

If you appreciate the tireless and sometimes thankless work of these agents of democracy, please do two things:

1) Go to: and demand that McCain and Palin apologize to the dedicated present and former community organizers around the nation;
2) Send this to everyone you know and ask them to sign on.

Thank you in advance for your support.
The Keystone Progress Team

Text of our message to McCain/Palin:

We are community organizers. We work to bring together neighbors in communities across America to solve our common problems and to make life better for our families. We work in small towns and the inner cities. We work in every state of the Union, from Maine to California to Alaska.

We are community organizers. We build neighborhood organizations that work for the common good. We teach people to act as part of a community, using their shared American values. We help people recognize the power of living in a democracy, where acting together can effect real changes.

Community organizers help to build strong neighborhood institutions, fight against injustice, develop new leaders, create community-based solutions and strengthen existing structures.
It is a serious job that requires the trust of our community, because we have real responsibilities that impact the daily lives of our neighbors.

We are community organizers and their supporters. We are proud of the work that community organizers do. And we are offended by the insults hurled at us by the McCain-Palin team. We demand that John McCain and Sarah Palin personally apologize for the demeaning attacks on the important work that we do to strengthen our communities and our great nation.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Just in Case...RNC Rules for Replacing a Nominee

RULE NO. 9 Filling Vacancies in Nominations

(a) The Republican National Committee is hereby authorized and empowered to fill any and all vacancies which may occur by reason of death, declination, or otherwise of the Republican candidate for President of the United States or the Republican candidate for Vice President of the United States, as nominated by the national convention, or the Republican National Committee may reconvene the national convention for the purpose of filling any such vacancies.

(b) In voting under this rule, the Republican National Committee members representing any state shall be entitled to cast the same number of votes as said state was entitled to cast at the national convention.

(c) In the event that the members of the Republican National Committee from any state shall not be in agreement in the casting of votes hereunder, the votes of such state shall be divided equally, including fractional votes among the members of the Republican National Committee present or voting by proxy.

(d) No candidate shall be chosen to fill any such vacancy except upon receiving a majority of the votes entitled to be cast in the election.

WFMZ-TV: Swann may run for Guv again in 2010

Swann may run again for PA gov.
Our cameraman, Bill Seiders, spoke with Lynn Swann, former Pittsburgh Steelers great and Republican candidate for Pennsylvania governor, on the floor of the arena here in St. Paul a short time ago. Swann told Bill he's talking it over with his wife about another run for governor. He lost his first bid to Ed Rendell in 2006. Swann said he wouldn't consider running for Congress because "it's not a good fit" for him.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Amy Goodman Arrested at RNC

ST. PAUL, MN—Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman was unlawfully arrested in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota at approximately 5 p.m. local time. Police violently manhandled Goodman, yanking her arm, as they arrested her.

Goodman was arrested while attempting to free two Democracy Now! producers who were being unlawfuly detained. They are Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar. Kouddous and Salazar were arrested while they carried out their journalistic duties in covering street demonstrations at the Republican National Convention. Goodman’s crime appears to have been defending her colleagues and the freedom of the press.

Ramsey County Sherrif Bob Fletcher told Democracy Now! that Kouddous and Salazar were being arrested on suspicion of rioting. They are currently being held at the Ramsey County jail in St. Paul.

Democracy Now! is calling on all journalists and concerned citizens to call the office of Mayor Chris Coleman and the Ramsey County Jail and demand the immediate release of Goodman, Kouddous and Salazar. These calls can be directed to: Chris Rider from Mayor Coleman’s office at 651-266-8535 and the Ramsey County Jail at 651-266-9350 (press extension 0).

Democracy Now! stands by Goodman, Kouddous and Salazar and condemns this action by Twin Cities law enforcement as a clear violation of the freedom of the press and the First Amenmdent rights of these journalists.

During the demonstration in which they were arrested law enforcement officers used pepper spray, rubber bullets, concussion grenades and excessive force. Several dozen others were also arrested during this action.

Amy Goodman is one of the most well-known and well-respected journalists in the United States. She has received journalism’s top honors for her reporting and has a distinguished reputation of bravery and courage. The arrest of Goodman, Kouddous and Salazar is a transparent attempt to intimidate journalists from the nation’s leading independent news outlet.
Democracy Now! is a nationally-syndicated public TV and radio program that airs on over 700 radio and TV stations across the US and the globe.

Where does your member of Congress stand on health?

Where does your member of Congress stand on health?

Are they with you, standing for quality affordable health care for all? Or are they with the insurance companies, working to increase their profits?

Don't know? Click here to call your member of Congress and find out!

Hope, Change, and Health Care

I want you to ask this question because, whatever your party and whatever your preference between one candidate and another, most Americans like you have been supporting change in this election year. And they have been embracing hope for the future, hope that our government can once again address our deepest problems with innovative solutions that serve us all.
We know, however, that real change won’t occur just by electing a new President and Congress. Powerful forces stand in the way of the change we need. A new President and Congress will need a movement of people committed to real change in order to overcome that opposition.
So in asking you to contact our member of Congress about health care, I’m asking you to join, a new movement for one of the changes we need, Health Care For America Now (HCAN)!

The Critical Importance of the Health Care Issue

Americans want an economy that creates opportunities and sustainable prosperity for everyone, not just for a few.

Americans want an economy that creates opportunities and sustainable prosperity for everyone, not just for a few. That means we have to deal with the environmental and energy problems that not only hinder economic growth but make it impossible for our growth to be sustainable. And it means with have to deal with the health care problems that not only hinder economic growth but make it impossible for our growth to be equitable.

Our economy cannot grow as it should when health care and health insurance costs are rising at rates that far exceed rates of inflation and wage growth and when concerns about health insurance prevent Americans from moving into new jobs. And it can’t grow in a way that benefits us all when so many people don’t have health insurance they can count on.

Today, a critical barrier to creating an economy that serves everyone is the failure of the private health insurance industry. Its problems are well known:

Health insurance premiums, co-pays, and deductibles are rising at rates that far exceed rates of inflation and wage growth. They are a major financial burden on the middle class. Many employers and individuals have been forced to drop insurance.

American workers are too often stuck in jobs that don’t suit them—or that don’t make the best use of their talents—because they are afraid that changing jobs would cost them their health insurance. And American businesses cannot compete in a world market when their health care costs are so high.

Insurance companies are restricting coverage and denying care. Even people who have insurance find out that they can’t get the best care and, in far too many cases, any care at all.
Too many people are uninsured. And that hurts us all. Health care costs go up for everyone when people who are uninsured or underinsured receive expensive treatments in hospitals that would have been unnecessary if they had received early and inexpensive care in a doctor’s office. Over ten per cent of our premium costs go to provide health care for the uninsured.

Two Paths To The Future in Health Care

We know that change is inevitable in health care because it is happening now. But we have to choose between two possible paths to the future.

The path we are now on has been set by the private insurance industry. It leads to a future in which we are left on our own to deal with the insurance industry. There will be no controls on insurance company premiums or profits, no guarantees on the benefits we receive, and no limits on how much drug companies can charge for prescriptions. Insurance companies will be free to deny us coverage or charge exorbitant rates if we have had some health problems in the past.
If we go in this direction, soon many of us will only be able to afford high deductible, high premium insurance plans with limited coverage. Government will offer nothing but tax deductions for health insurance that subsidize insurers while being of little value to most Americans. And all of us who get health insurance from our employers will have to pay taxes on it.

The future proposed by HCAN is different. We seek a guarantee of quality, affordable health care for all. Americans will have a choice between the health insurance they have now, another private insurance program or a new, public health insurance program. All plans will offer comprehensive benefits and a choice of doctors and hospitals. All will charge premiums according to the ability to pay.

If we go in this direction, new rules for insurance companies will require that they make money the old fashioned way, by insuring more people, not by denying coverage and care. And the public health insurance program will be open to all. It will control costs by bring drawing on the administrative efficiencies and buying power created by large insurance programs.

Our Question

HCAN is a movement that will incessantly ask citizens and politicians to answer one question, “Which side are you on?” Do you want a future that serves the insurance companies or a future that benefits the citizens of this country? We will:
· Show Americans how the health insurance industry has been undermining our health care.
· Build a grassroots movement of health care activists.
· Secure the commitment of the members of the next Congress to our principles of reform now.
· Make this election is about the choice between the two directions in health care reform
· Use events, house parties, email and the internet as well as paid advertising to get our message out.
· Spend over $40 million dollars to build this movement.
Which Side Are You On?
So now is the time for you to answer this question. If you are on our side:
· Call your member of Congress and ask them “which side are you on?” You can use our online tool to do this or you can call toll free at 1-888-436-8427 to be connected to your member of Congress.
· Sign on to our petition to the new President and Congress.
· Volunteer for HCAN Pennsylvania at

It’s Not Just About Health Care

Restoring equity in health care is the critical issue for those of us who care about social justice because health care is so important and has become so expensive. But if we are successful in reshaping health care in a way that benefits the vast majority of Americans, we will do far more than meet this critical need. We will re-legitimate government for the next generation and point the way to other reforms that serve us all.

So join HCAN today. And click here to find out which side your member of Congress is on.
Contact us
Feel free to contact me with questions, comments, or suggestions.
Marc Stier
Pennsylvania State Director
Health Care For America Now
(800) 764-1832

Health Care For America NOW (HCAN) is co-chaired nationally by SEIU and AFSCME. There are over 150 organizations that have signed on with us nationally. You can see the whole list at

Our Pennsylvania organization is staffed by me and Gregg Potter, who is the head of the AFL-CIO CLC in the Lehigh Valley and by Ali Kronley, Ian Phillips, and MaryEllen Hayden of Acorn; Jeff Garis and Richard McVay of Penn Action and Antoinette Kraus of PUP. Our coalition and includes the AFL-CIO, UFCW Local 1776, the Communications Workers of America, Mon Valley Unemployed Committee, Community Action Association of PA, Keystone Progress, the Jewish Labor Committee, Philadelphia Jobs with Justice and Philly for Change with other groups joining every day.

How are progressive organizations responding to Palin? Defenders of Wildlife

Shocking Choice by John McCain

WASHINGTON-- Senator John McCain just announced his choice for running mate: Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska. To follow is a statement by Rodger Schlickeisen, president of Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund.

“Senator McCain’s choice for a running mate is beyond belief. By choosing Sarah Palin, McCain has clearly made a decision to continue the Bush legacy of destructive environmental policies.

“Sarah Palin, whose husband works for BP (formerly British Petroleum), has repeatedly put special interests first when it comes to the environment. In her scant two years as governor, she has lobbied aggressively to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling, pushed for more drilling off of Alaska’s coasts, and put special interests above science. Ms. Palin has made it clear through her actions that she is unwilling to do even as much as the Bush administration to address the impacts of global warming. Her most recent effort has been to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to remove the polar bear from the endangered species list, putting Big Oil before sound science. As unbelievable as this may sound, this actually puts her to the right of the Bush administration.

“This is Senator McCain’s first significant choice in building his executive team and it’s a bad one. It has to raise serious doubts in the minds of voters about John McCain’s commitment to conservation, to addressing the impacts of global warming and to ensuring our country ends its dependency on oil.”
The Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund ( provides a powerful voice in Washington to Americans who value our conservation heritage. Through grassroots lobbying, issue advocacy and political campaigns, the Action Fund champions those laws and lawmakers that protect wildlife and wild places while working against those that do them harm.
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