Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Affordable Care Act Works

This week marks the beginning of the Supreme Court oral arguments on the Affordable Care Act. But what does repeal mean for real people?

In this tri-state region, 375,000 seniors are now saving on drug costs, another 2.6 million people received free preventive-health screenings, and nearly 140,000 young adults who were brought under their parents' insurance plans because of the Affordable Care Act. Thousands of small businesses, as well, have utilized federal tax credits to help them provide their workforce with health insurance.

Across the United States, the Affordable Care Act works, and is benefiting millions.

· Works for women, children, seniors – everyone. More than 86 million Americans received preventive care such as mammograms and colonoscopies for free in 2011.

· Works for young adults: 2.5 million young adults are now insured because of the new health care law.

· Works for seniors: 3.6 million Medicare beneficiaries saved more than $2.1 billion on prescription drugs because of the new health care law.

· Works for those with pre-existing conditions. Expanded coverage for those with pre-existing conditions: Nearly 50,000 Americans who were denied coverage now have insurance through the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan.

· Works for small businesses: A growing number of businesses offering health care coverage are taking advantage of tax credits available under the law.

Ultimately, taking away any of the provisions of the law would mean repealing real benefits away from seniors, women, children, young adults, and people with pre-existing conditions.

Check out an audio file of the Supreme Court arguments here.

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